Our Process


A CAFM framework (Computer Aided Facilities Management) is viewed as fundamental for ground breaking organizations who are looking for efficiencies and cloud-based knowledge. Working with Excel and inheritance based-stages are costing organizations time, cash and notoriety. Perceive how Fairfax Ltd can help…

Work Requests

Hoping to give a simple work demand process? Our straightforward electronic work demand programming is self instinctive, urges support and intended to guarantee inbound solicitations are enlightening.

Work Order Management

Could it be said that you are suffocating in organization and feel like you're working a call place? With Fairfax Ltd you'll profit from less calls, messages and general organization because of the total perceivability of your work requests to all partners. The framework will deal with all the correspondence for yourself and inform individuals at the perfect opportunity.

Marketing Manager

Transform receptive into supportive of dynamic with our incredible PPM module which mechanizes cycles, interchanges and logs generally your action for evaluating purposes.


Our cloud-based resource the board module implies that information the executives has never been more straightforward and brings incredible prize for Fairfax Ltd groups.

Contractor & Engineer Portal

Our versatile first CAFM application permits Contractors and Engineers to effectively cooperate through the Contractor and Engineer Portal furnishing you with constant and full straightforwardness across your whole home.

Property Management

Oversee archives, photographs, clients, inhabitants, access times and any custom information utilizing our straightforward Property Management module.